Do electric bikes need servicing?

Do electric bikes need servicing?

An electric bicycle (e-bike) is a motor-powered bicycle with a combined electric motor that helps to drive. Several kinds of e-bikes are available worldwide but, in general, are divided into two broad categories, Ebikes with a hub motor and Ebikes with a mid-motor. Both hang on to the capability of the rider to pedal, so therefore not, e-bikes are not electric motorcycles.

Ebikes are very convenient and massively beneficial to the riders. It is not much of a shock that they are famous worldwide. It is costly when to replace the parts of the bike. If you want to save money, you might as well take care of your electric bike, especially the battery. When charging a battery of an e-bike, you must be very careful, and it isn’t an effortless task. You must consider many things when using an e-bike and charge it.

Everything you should know about when maintaining an e-bike

An e-bike needs constant maintenance like any other ordinary bicycle. You should take great care of your bike if you want to keep using it smoothly, safely, and productively. It would grant you a longer healthy lifespan for the motor and your bike’s battery. The information mentioned below will guide you to keep your motorcycle well-maintained.

Does an e-bike needs service?

Of course, like any bicycle you own, your e-bike also needs to be serviced. But it is a vast process to keep your bike well maintained. So you might need to torture yourself with some maintenance tips. Well, maintaining your e-bike would expand the lifespan of the e-bike and help you to assist with the issues that arise on your e-bike. So you will be able to replace or repair the parts before it becomes too pricey.

How frequently should you service your electric bike?

It would be most acceptable to take your bike for punctilious maintenance once in a while (probably every three months) to the cycle shop with people trained in handling e-bikes.

Mining an e-bike is not as much different from maintaining a regular bicycle. But some parts like the chain, sprockets, and cranks may wear quickly to a greater extent of force. So, washing your e-bike and maintaining it orderly is fundamental if you want to get good use out of your bike.

A well-cleaned bike is a gleeful bike. Wearing can happen due to mud and dirt. Mush formed on the cycle when you mix it with grease and water can affect the bike’s efficiency and decrease it. So, the usable parts of the motorcycle happen to wear quickly. The more you take good care, the smoother your bike will work.

You should keep your bike’s drivetrain clean, so it runs well. It is a delightful experience riding a well-cleaned motorcycle with rightfully adjusted gears and a drivetrain.

How to clean a bike chain properly at home?

If your bike’s drivetrain gets dirty, you can clean it immediately with a rag. If the chain has collected gunk or the wheels are filled with mud, you can deep clean using a rag with a degreaser.

Also, the chain of an e-bike needs more lubrication regularly than usual bike chains. So you should apply lubricant, which is high in quality, to your chains when cleaning to make them work efficiently. The best idea is to clean your chains with grease after you finish riding almost every day. Before that, you should wash the bike first and dry it. Ebike chains tend to require more frequent lubrication than regular bicycle chains.

If you think it’s a simple task to apply lubricant but is not easy as it appears to be. To an extent, you can’t pack pedal an e-bike. So if you apply grease, you can use a work stand or ask someone to carry the wheel. So you can let the lubricant dribble onto the chain.

What are the best lubes you can use on the chain of an e-bike?

  • Dry lubes

Dry lubes are made especially for mounting in arid environments. 10% of lubricant, additives, synthetic oils, and 90% carrier fluid used to fabricate dry lubes. The wax based lubes also labeled as dry by some lube-making companies.

  • Wet lubes

You get more lubricant per milliliter with this lube, and the increased viscosity of the oils means this type of lubricant should last longer and is much less prone to getting washed off your chain if you encounter water.

Wet lubes are made especially for mounting in wet environments. Higher quantities of synthetic oils, PTFE, and additives are needed to make wet lubes.

  • Ceramic lubes

Ceramic lubes are becoming very popular in the last few years. And it is much more expensive than standard wet and dry blues as the performance increases. Ceramic lubes contain small ceramic pieces that bring down the friction of synthetic oils in typical damp and dry lubes. The lesson seems to increase the drivetrain’s lifespan, so it’s fair that these lubes are more pricey.

  • Wax lube

 Wax lubes are made of Paraffin (the substance used in candle making). This lube is also very popular in the last few years. It is because of the high efficiency, durability, and ability to resist impurities. These lubes are a mixture of paraffin particles, additives, and a carrier liquid.

How to stop wearing and tearing of components of an e-bike 

The components used by e-bikes nowadays that has developed to help to ride. Some vital pieces can add to resist the forces because of the bike’s expanded power output, weight, and speed. The drivetrains of the bikes tend to be stronger and has varied gear span compared to standard bikes. Regardless of the additional beefing, you still have to appeal more from an e-bike. It could be braking, climbing, paddling, or turning, which helps you for a pleasant riding experience. It is a must to keep the components of your bike well without causing any damage to them.

So to keep these components from wearing off, you good safety check daily. You should check whether the axles and bolts stiffened or not, if the tires have any punctured, and check if there are any loosened spokes regularly.

How to wash an e-bike?

We’ve already talked about how important it is to keep your bike well cleaned to improve its lifespan efficiency and lifespan, but let’s take a closer look at how to wash an electric bike.

We’ve discussed how important out is to clean your bike well, which improves the lifespan and efficiency f your motorcycle. So there are a few tips on how to wash your cycle correctly.

.You should not let water inside the sealed motors and batteries. So it would help if you used a less powerful water connection to wash, whether it is electric or not. The water [pwers can forcefully run through the sealed parts of the bikes, so you must use a basket or a hose with less water pressure. Or you immerse a cloth into the water and rub off the dirt from the bike. And also, you should run off the bike before washing.

Even there can be dirt gathered in charging ports, too, so you must take a good look at them and brush off the ground or mud using a dry brush or a piece of cloth. And you also close the charging port before washing the bike.

After washing your bike, you should dry it using a well-cleaned piece of cloth, avoiding disc brakes. And also, you clean your battery contacts once in a while. So the most appropriate way is to use a soft cloth or a brush to switch the lubricants.

Also, if your bike has a second battery, you should remember to detach it before cleaning and wipe off if there’s dirt in the connections using a tiny soft brush. If the wheel of your bike has a speed sensor, also clean it with soft material clothing.

How to waterproof and repair an e-bike?

e talked about how the sealed motor and battery need good care. Even if it’s impossible to get through doesn’t mean there’s no chance. Sometimes the water can go through it, but not if you wash your bike safely. You don’t have to worry if you do it properly. It would help if you never used a jet wash or submerged the bike when washing it.

Things you should know about a battery of an e-bike.

How do you extend the range of your e-bike battery?

Anyone will love to extend the battery range of one’s bike if they have a chance. And there are a few tips for increasing the battery lifespan as follows.

  • It would help if you rode with a more than 50 rpm cadence to increase efficiency. Never ride with a lower cadence.
  • It would help if you lessened the weight of the load on the bike.
  • You shouldn’t use too many brakes. 
  • You should increase the type of pressure to equity the grip and comfort.
  • It would help if you always kept an eye o the battery power you’re using so you can alter the cycling style.
  • It would help if you didn’t ride in cold surroundings, reducing your battery range. 

Can to clean the battery of an e-bike?

Yes, you can. You can clean your battery when cleaning the bike, but you should be careful not to immerse it in water. It would help if you used a washer without much water pressure. Or you can clean it using a soft cloth, especially when you’re cleaning the electrical contacts and the frame of the battery. If you cycle in wintery, salty, and wet conditions, the references should wipe the contacts with a small amount of grease. So the battery won’t corrode at all.

Charging and storing an e-bike battery

  • You should consider the temperature around the battery

Charging an e-bike during critical climatic changes can harm the battery’s performance and useful life. That’s one of the reasons why overheating diminish the battery life instantly. So you should always check and keep the temperature of the battery stable when you’re charging it and using the bike.

E-bikes charges and works the best at average temperatures. It is a reason why you should keep the battery somewhere that it is not freezing or not too hot. For example, when charging your battery, the temperature should be around 50 -70 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • You shouldn’t store Empty Batteries.

Someday you might not want to use your bike. You might not be in a good mood when it’s too cold or hot outside when you’re busy with work. It’s okay if you’re not using your bike regularly. So you can remove the battery and keep it somewhere safe in a room with a suitable temperature after charging it partly. You don’t need to set your bike’s battery to 80%, and you can charge between 40 and 60. Storing a discharged, empty battery and keeping it unchanged for a while can damage the performance of the battery

  • You should use the correct charger. 

It is a must to charge the e-bike using the charger you got along with when buying it. The charger given by the shop has the same voltage ad amps as your bike’s battery. That makes sure the cycle is charged safely without harming the battery.

You generally get the charger along with the bike, but if you don’t, you should check the voltage and amps when buying a charger.

In conclusion, e-bikes need servicing as much as a regular bike would. So if you look after your bike well, it will give you the satisfaction of having a joyful ride. Concluded tips from the above information are as follows.

  • Keep your motorcycle well-cleaned.
  • Check whether you have inflated tires and if the drivetrain is lubricated.
  • I was checking if there are broken parts or loosened spokes and bolts.
  • Keeping the battery moderately
  • Storing your battery in a dry, cool place.
  • Charging the battery with a correct charger
  • Checking for software updates regularly.