Can you spray water on an electric bike fire?

Can you spray water on an electric bike fire?

Can I pour water on an electric bike fire?

   The batteries power electric bikes. Batteries supply energy to the motor by storing energy through charging. Many types of batteries range in size, weight, and price. The cheapest is the lead acid battery, which weighs higher and takes more space. While the expensive battery, lithium-ion is lightweight and smaller in size. 


  Many electric bikes use lithium-ion batteries due to their lighter weight and size while also containing longer battery cycles. Though the battery has many advantages, it is also fragile to fire. If the battery is damaged or overheats, it might catch fire. One of the elements used in lithium-ion batteries is an electrolyte, which is highly flammable. When the battery overheats, it stimulates the electrolyte and explodes. 


 Due to the increased demand for lithium-ion batteries, many manufacturers started assembling lithium-ion batteries with cheap elements. These cheaper elements in the battery will cause fire accidents by overheating or damaging the battery.


 These fire accidents have created doubts about electric bikes in people’s minds. Electric bikes are built to be safe, but some manufacturers trying to earn money effortlessly will use cheaper goods to design the bike. They will not care about the quality of the bike, but to increase their sales rate, they will sell their product for low prices. Beware of these manufacturers and purchase your electric bike with a reputed manufacturer who gives importance to quality over quantity.


 It is always a safe idea to insure your two-wheelers. With the risk of fire and theft, you can worry less about financial loss if insured. Electric bikes are expensive, and so do their parts. In case of any accident, you will at least have some reimbursement.


Does spraying water on an electric bike fire extinguishes fire?

   Water extinguished the fire, and it does not apply to all fires. Electric fire will not welcome water but rather electrocute you in return. Never should you spray water on an electrical fire, but you can throw sands or any powder available in your vicinity. 


Anyone will not likely have a fire extinguisher in their home. If they have it, they can use it in an emergency. Yet when we do not have fire extinguishers, we have to know what to do and what not to do. If anything starts to blaze up due to fire, you can use water on them; remember to stay clear of power output.


But in case of electrical fire from the power outlet, do not use water. Water conducts electricity, and throwing the water into an electric fire will electrocute you. It might as well spread fire across the room. Stay away from the water this time, and go for powder. Flour, baking soda, or anything you could get your hand into, pour over the fire. Remember to check for wetness in them. 


 If any electrical devices start to catch fire, try disconnecting them from the power outlet with a wood or a plastic stick that does not conduct electricity. Then, pour water on them.


 But what’s with the lithium-ion electric bike battery? We know most electric bike fires are due to battery damage, overheating, or anything related to the battery. Therefore knowing what will stop electric bike fire is essential. Water, water, and only water can extinguish lithium-ion battery blaze. 


Spraying water on the fire of an electric bike won’t extinguish the flame; instead, pooling water will. When the bike starts to catch fire, disconnect the cord from the power outlet, get buckets of water and start pouring all over. Even after the fire stops, keep the battery inside the bucket of water for at least half an hour. Call the fire brigade for help if the fire has started spreading or check the battery for any outburst of fire, as tiny particles in the battery will still be burning. Call the insurance company and the police department to report the incident.


Here are a few tips to prevent electric bike batteries from burning.

   Electric bike batteries are flammable and must be taken care of to avoid unnecessary fire blow up. Here are some of the tips to safeguard your electric bike battery from catching fire:

Suitable charger –All electric bikes come with a charging cord and adapter. Always use them to charge the drained battery. Charging with cheaper chargers might provoke the battery to heat more, thus starting a fire accident. 


Even if you lost your charger, try getting a new one specified for your electric bike and the battery by the manufacturer. Try to avoid charging your electric bike battery with alternative chargers altogether. Do not try to charge the battery using alternative methods. Improper input of voltage will damage the battery. 


  • Charging –

Every time you charge your battery, try to be near it as possible. Do not leave it unattended for a long time; if the fire has spread, putting it off will be strenuous. 

Make sure nothing is off now and then. 


  • Used batteries –

You might be able to purchase used batteries and chargers for low prices. Please don’t fool yourself by purchasing them and suffering a more significant loss. 

Purchase the same type of battery from the same manufacturer as your old one, even if it is extra money. Trying to save up on these is dangerous. 

Original chargers will be a little pricey. Going for a cheaper one here can harm your battery and overcharge or overheat it and create a disaster.


  • Instructions –

Follow the instructions on how to charge the electric bike battery. This way will be the safe way to charge. Ensure you avoid any other methods of charging. Though they might be of help in need of an emergency, make sure you don’t often use those methods.


  • Flammable objects –

When charging or storing your electric bike’s battery, please keep it in a dry, cool area, away from fire and flammable objects. 

Try to keep the battery away from flammable objects, like paper, clothes, furniture, etc. Though it might not prevent the fire, it will stop its spreading.


  • Damaged battery –

Batteries are prone to accidents. They might fall and crash. Check your battery every time before charging and going out for a ride. Check for any scratches, breaking, or punctures. If you find anything off in your battery, don’t use it unless you get it checked by a technician. 

A small crack or even a dent can be harmful as there might be internal damage to the battery. 


  • Repair –

If you notice any electric bike battery damage, take it to a technician. Don’t try to repair yourself if you are not a technician who is an expert in repairing lithium-ion batteries. And also, do not take it to repair shops, as an expert must deal with this. 


  • Overheat –

We tend to forget to check on the charging batteries. It might lead to overcharging and overheating the battery. As lithium-ion batteries and their components are prone to fire, overheating will cause a fire accident.

On summer days, keep the battery in a parky and shady place. When parking your electric bike, please search for a cool shady place or detach your battery from the bike and keep it in the shade.


Reason for electric bike fire

   Electric bike fires are due to the electrolytes present in the battery that are combustible. We should take care of our battery by knowing what those trigger points are. Here are the triggers points that pressurize the electrolyte to burst:

  • Manufacturing flaw –

Every product production is done in mass numbers these days. The machines induce each cell in the battery. After each production, every single battery is checked for any flaws. These faulty batteries will be disregarded. Some manufacturers who want extras will send them anyways to the market. Rarely without the knowledge of manufacturers who choose quality over quantity, these batteries will reach the market. 

These batteries have chances of exploding even with the slightest heating.


  • Extreme heat –

As we know well that lithium-ion batteries are prone to heat, the summer sun will be hazardous. Every time you leave your electric bike on summer days, park in a shady place or at least cover the battery with layers of sheets to keep it cool.

On winter days, let it stay in cool places, and if you are trying to heat it, do not take it near the heater. 


  • Overcharging –

Batteries are made up of cells. These cells get activated every time you charge up. They will only hold in the maximum amount of energy they can. But if you overcharge, these cells will get more energy, breaking their capacity. It can also lead to blowing up.


  • Cheap charging methods – 

Suppose you lose your charger, purchase a new one as soon as possible. Try to avoid other methods of charging your battery, as this alternative method can increase the voltage input, thus triggering the electrolyte in the battery. 


  • Damaged battery –

The battery is one of the vital parts of an electric bike. Protecting it from damages is essentially essential. Minor damage can bleed out the battery and cause a fire. 

If you see any damage to your battery, dispose of it as soon as possible. Please do not leave it inside the house; take it outdoors and store it in a cool place. 


Knowing the signs of electric bike fire

   Battery fires occur due to many reasons; sometimes, you will be able to predict a fire outburst shortly but not always. If you happen to see these signs, there is a possibility of your battery blowing up. Here is the battery’s way of forecasting a blow-up;

  • Smell –

Sometimes a damaged battery will smell off when charging. If you smell any burning sensation when your battery is charging, disconnect the battery and try cooling it off. 


  • Leakage –

Sometimes, the battery might leak its contents out due to excessive draining, not charging for too long, or other reasons. Always check your battery for any leakages; if you find any, do not try to charge it. Call your manufacturer and discuss the methods of disposing of your battery. It’s time for a new battery.


  • Shape –

When the battery’s contents are losing their proficiencies, the shape of the battery changes, mainly because it swells up. It is a clear sign the battery is going to explode. 

Mainly, batteries swell up due to overcharging and extreme heat. If you notice a change in the battery shape, it’s time to dispose of it and buy a new one.


   These warnings can come before days of fire or just seconds before. Even if you could not prevent the fire, at least you can be prepared and move anything that would spread the fire across. 


After the electric bike fire

   Electric bike fire can be hard to put off. The electrolyte in the lithium-ion battery can be hazardous. Try not to panic when it’s blazing; it will not cease when you spray water. Pour water over it and flood the battery with water. Try relocating all the things near the fire.


Even after the fire has ceased, keep the battery inside the water, as tiny particles inside the battery might still be burning. Call your insurance company and the fire department. 


 You can only rest when the fire department assures you of your safety. You can claim the money from the insurance company if you hold an insurance policy. 


 Dispose of the battery as soon as you can. Contact the battery manufacturer, and he will let you know how to dispose of the battery. Mostly they will ask you to leave it at the retailer you bought the battery from, and they will collect it from the retailer. The battery will be sent to recycling or will be disposed of. 



   Electric bikes explode due to battery damage or overheating. Lithium-ion batteries’ electrolytes heat up and explode due to the increase in pressure by overheating. These electrolytes are flammable, and you should deal with care. Another reason for electric bike battery fire is the cheap materials used in the production to reduce the cost and earn a high income. 


 The water can extinguish the fire, but not the fire due to electric failure or damage. Pour powders on them to put off the fire. But you can pour water into the electric items that caught on fire after disconnecting the cord wire from the power outlets. 


 In the case of fire in electric bikes, powders and foams don’t work, instead of the water. 

After pulling apart from the charging point, pour buckets of water over the fire. Plunge the battery in a bucket of water until the fire department confirms it’s safe to be out. Lithium-ion battery fires are hard to put out, and even tiny particles inside burn for a long time. Call your insurance company and claim your money. 

   You can avoid electric bike fire if you take good care of the battery when charging and storing. Using the correct charger and adapter, attending to the battery while charging, following instructions, and avoiding the damaged battery altogether will help you from starting a fire. 


There are many reasons an electric bike might explode. Some are manufacturing faults, battery damage, overcharging, extreme heat, and alternative ways to charge the batteries. Knowing these facts means avoiding doing anything that would start a fire.


  Before exploding, batteries will give signs, but not always. But by knowing the signs of an oncoming blaze, you can at least be ready for the fire—the difference in the shape, off smell, or leakage of batteries.


At the time of the fire, without panicking, flood the battery with water and call the fire department. After they ensure you of the safety, contact the manufacturer, and discuss the battery disposal.