What are the consequences of using a damaged battery on an eBike

What are the consequences of using a damaged battery on an eBike

   eVehicles By developing eVehicles, the use of petrol and diesel is reducing. Thus, providing environment-friendly vehicles. It is more fun and space-saving to ride bikes.

   But the batteries used in them cannot be fully called environment friendly. eBike made putting together some raw materials from the ground. If disposing of the batteries is not done correctly, they threaten the environment. The chemicals would start to drain into the ground and mix with soil and water.

Types of eBike batteries available 

   The battery is one of the main components you must pay attention to when buying an eBike. It powers up the motor, starts the bike, and switches on the integrated lights attached. It affects the bike’s overall performance, and it is important to know your bike’s battery. The followings are the batteries commonly used in eBikes:

  • Lead Acid batteries 

Lead Acid batteries are large and heavy. They offer low power output and have low capacity compared with batteries of the same size and weight. But these batteries are very cheap compared to other batteries. 

  • Nickel Cadmium batteries 

Nickel Cadmium batteries are strong. By maintaining efficiently, you can use the batteries for a long time. Compared with lead acid batteries, they provide more capacity but less than that lithium batteries. 

Nickel Cadmium batteries are expensive and have lower power density. Even when not used, the battery will be draining in 24 hours.

Due to the factor that the cadmium used in these batteries is not environment friendly as it pollutes the environment. Demand for this type of battery is decreasing gradually.

  • Nickel-metal Hydride batteries 

Nickel-metal hydride batteries are better than lead acid and nickel-cadmium batteries. Though they, too, drain the charge, their durability is better than nickel-cadmium batteries.

They heat up quickly, even with little use, and are more expensive than nickel-cadmium batteries. 

  • Lithium-ion batteries 

Lithium-ion batteries are more durable and last longer. With lower weight than other batteries, they produce more power output. About 90 percent of eBikes are using lithium-ion batteries to power up. Thus, this is the battery that has increased in demand.

Lithium-ion batteries need protection as they are inflammable. Considering its nature, manufacturers always have foolproof to avoid accidents. 

Lithium-ion batteries are the best choice for eBikes, even though they are expensive in terms of weight, range, and longevity.

There are three types of lithium-ion batteries, they are:

  • Lithium-ion Polymer batteries 

Due to the presence of polymers in lithium-ion polymer batteries, they can be shaped differently through different processes. They do not need highly safe casings like other lithium-ion batteries. 

They do not contain any liquids, thus less vulnerable and high stability.

  • Lithium Manganese batteries 

Lithium manganese batteries are the latest lithium batteries on the market. They have higher durability, longevity, and range than other lithium-ion batteries.

  • `Lithium cobalt batteries

Lithium cobalt batteries have a higher energy density than lithium-ion batteries and provide maximum power. 

It is light and reliable.

Factors damaging the battery of eBike.

   Batteries generally store chemical energies that will convert into electric energy when using electric devices. Just like many portable electric devices, e-vehicles, too, require batteries. eBikes too power up the motor using the energy stored in its batteries. To operate Ebikes, they design and develop different types of batteries. The energy stored reduces gradually with electric devices, as does in eBikes. 

   Like all batteries, these batteries need charging when their current flow has decreased to the minimum. Every eBike has its charging cord to use when charging. 

   Over time, batteries’ health and lifespan drop due to many factors. Here are some of them:

  • Exposure of batteries to extreme weather-

When exposing the batteries to heavy rain or extreme heat, chances are high for the battery to be damaged.

If the water enters the battery, it is nearly impossible to get it out. This will gradually lead to your battery malfunctioning.

The battery’s charge would reduce too soon when exposed to extreme heat. If you keep the battery on too long heat, it will ooze off its components, thus damaging the battery. 

  • Using alternative ways to charge the battery-

When charging eBikes, use the charging cord that comes with it. And once in a while, it is better to disconnect the battery from the bike and charge directly. But one will use an alternative way to charge the battery after losing the charging cord or in a situation where you cannot connect your bike to the charging unit. But using these alternatives too long may result in battery damage. Try to get a charging cord if you lose it as soon as possible. Or try charging your bike’s battery, if it is low, after every ride.

  • Manufacturing defaults

When manufacturing batteries in bulk, chances are one or two would be incomplete or have defaults. Before attaching the battery to your bike, it would go through many tests that would analyze the battery thoroughly. So chances are very low for your bike’s battery to have manufacturing defaults. Read through the instructions very carefully, and charge to the maximum point the first time, following the instructions. If you notice any difference in the charging or the longevity of the charge, contact your seller.

  • Overcharging

When the bike is charging, check in now and then. Remember to disconnect when the charging is complete, and do not leave the bike connecting to the plug for days. Overcharging would damage your battery, and it might explode.

What to do with the damaged eBike’s battery?

   Using the battery for a long time wholly depends on the condition of the battery and how often it runs. Even with high longevity, batteries don’t last long. You should dispose of it when the battery’s life span ends. Or, more often or not, they are damaged before their life span ends. 

   Damaged batteries are not safer to keep around. With an eBikes battery that is large, one might wonder what to do with it. Many consumers have these questions in them. 

   Firstly, remove it from the bike, and if it is heavily damaged, use a glove to protect your hands from touching any liquids that are leaking. Try to clean the battery case and avoid more damage to the motor and system. 

   The damaged battery is hazardous and is not advisable to keep around flammable objects. If the battery is oozing off, keep it in a place where it won’t stain. 

   Put it in a plastic bag and seal it carefully. Keep it away from children and store it in a place free from heat and water.  

   You can contact the retailer you bought your bike’s battery from and inform them, or you drop it off in their store. The retailer will make sure to send it for recycling.

 Particles that remain when you recycle the batteries which can manufacture other products. 

Can you repair your eBike’s battery?

   Yes and no, it depends. 

   It costs you lower than the replacement and increases the battery life. By not replacing the battery with a new one, you are reducing electronic waste, thus helping the environment. The worn-out and damaged cells can be inside the battery casing. Local repair shops can not repair these batteries. It needs expertise in the field and is very dangerous. 

   It is more difficult to repair low-quality batteries, and sometimes repairing is impossible. Tightly closed Batteries can be challenging, as opening them would damage the case itself. 

   Most electronic items like computers, laptops, and phones are not repairable, and the manufacturers don’t have the right to repair them. It applies to eBikes too. Many manufacturers argue that it is unsafe to repair the batteries as they are hazardous and harm one’s life. 

   Therefore, one should consider the pros and cons before taking the bike’s battery to repair. 

How to protect your eBike’s battery?

   The battery is an important part of the bike. The bike’s functions rely on the power supplied by the battery. Though the motor controls the bike, the battery supplies the power to the motor. And it is vital to protect the bike’s battery. Here are a few ways you can follow to preserve the batteries:

  • Park or store the bike in a dry place

When pulling up your bike, always search for a dry place where no form of water would get into your bike’s battery. Water will not only damage your bike’s battery but also affect the motor. 

Remember to check the roofing when storing your bike for the night or for too long. Check whether the rainwater has any means of entering your bike. 

  • Never try to open the battery

If you happen to see any faults in the battery, take it to a mechanic, do not try to open it, and find what the matter is. It would affect the battery’s function. If the battery’s sealing is not tight, it would also lead to battery leakage and affect the motor.

  • Park in a shadowy place

As adverse sunlight would damage the battery, try not to park in a place where the sunlight directly falls on for a long time. You can try  to at least cover the battery with clothing if you cannot find a shadowy place and will be going for too long.

  • Try charging completely and not too often

You can try to charge your bike completely, and do not disconnect it now and then. Take time to charge it up completely. Try not to charge after every ride when the charge is at10 to 15 percent.

The battery’s health deteriorates when you charge too often and not fully. 

  • Store your bike precisely after the vacation

If you are not using your bike for a long time, like months, charge your battery fully before storing it away, as it gradually drains. Remove the battery from the casing and store it in a safe place with low heat and no water leaks. This would ensure no leakages.

  • Do not overload your bike

Adding more weight to the bike when traveling is energy-consuming and damages the bike’s battery. Try to take fewer loads when climbing up and going too far. 

  • Use quality tires

Low-quality tires may be bumpy on roads that are not smooth, thus shaking the battery too much and damaging it.  

What are the consequences of using a damaged battery on eBikes?

   As batteries are vital for the eBike to operate, it is important to protect them from damage. Even with so many protective covers protecting, batteries still get damaged, and you should take measures to protect them. Using a damaged battery on the eBike may destroy the vehicle.

   Using a damaged battery on your bike may disrupt the vehicle’s control. The bike would have a problem operating the bike. It would not start up properly, and the control may fail in the middle of the ride. Remember to check the battery if you have any starting problems. 

   If you are using your bike with a damaged battery connected to it, it might fire up. When the battery is damaged, its heat resistance will break, resulting in a fire when used often. Try to stop now and then to cool it off if you fear having a damaged battery.

   We can take precautions when making batteries and sealing them tightly with safety panels. But sometimes, the batteries are damaged because of adverse actions and leaks. This may corrupt the battery case and seep through the sensitive components. Thus damaging the motor of the bike. When you are not using the bike for months, remove the battery as it may leak due to the chemical reaction and result in the breakdown of the bike.

   Batteries may be expensive to replace, but mutilating the whole bike is disastrous. Check the bike’s battery now and then for the longevity of the battery life. Follow the precautions to protect your bike’s battery and if you find your battery damaged, dispose of it.

   Be careful when disposing of the battery, as it might harm the environment when disposed of inappropriately. It is flammable and starts up a fire when left in the heat. Follow the steps and dispose of them carefully.

   Remember not to touch the battery that is damaged heavily.


   It is not advisable to ride the eBike when the battery is damaged. It might result in disruption of your ride or deteriorating the whole bike. Or worse, starting a fire up and fully burning the whole bike. 

   It is better to check your battery often to avoid these revolting outcomes. If you see your battery damaged, immediately dispose of it safely to avoid harming the environment or anything surrounding it. And replace it with the same battery type and model. 

   Do not ever try to ride the bike with a damaged battery; if you can, avoid it and replace it soon. 

   Though the batteries are expensive, it is not worth forfeiting the whole bike.