Can I use a normal bike rack for an e-bike?

Can I use a normal bike rack for an e-bike?

What are e-bikes?

Bicycles that have an electric motor to help you pedal is called e-bikes or electric bikes. The motor is dependent on the rechargeable battery that is in the e-bike. It powers the motor. The motor assists you and makes pedaling much easier. It certainly makes our lives better since it is a unique invention. Famous e-bike companies such as Ariel Rider are catching the eye of people worldwide. The motor power depends on your pedaling pace and the chosen support level. With many modes to choose from, helping you balance the pedaling power and battery life. A lot of cities are already setting up e-bike charging points, so it would be helpful if your e-bike runs out of power while cycling. It is up to you to decide whether you want to ride with it with full effort or not with the help of the motor.


How do they work?

The battery pack powers the motor and controls how it functions. Gears can set the speed you wish to cycle at, just like how it is on a regular bicycle. All the components contribute to the weight of your bike. The sensors monitor the speed of the bike and turn the throttle while assisting the pedal movement. With the assistance of the motor, you don’t need to pedal much. Mechanical power converts into electrical power.

To power the motor, the battery pack must be sufficiently charged. It is a unique system made-up of gears that are connected to the whole system. The sensors can be monitored through an online application and it can be downloaded on your phone. E-bikes are classified into two types: those with a hub motor and those with a mid-motor.


Importance of e-bikes

The main advantage is that you can choose whether you want to ride the bike with full effort or not. Riders have to anyway still pedal to keep the bike going, improving physical health. E-bikes can go smoothly on hills and mountains with little pedaling effort. E-bikes are also great alternatives to vehicles because E-bikes typically can do almost anything, much faster because they are more reliable. You can reach your destinations much faster; many people would rather ride their e-bikes than drive. E-bikes are much safer than regular bikes as you can control the movement and pace electrically. 

Also, your destination could be reached faster with less energy wasted, as it is great for traveling long distances. An e-bike is very powerful when compared with a standard bike, with higher mobility and versatility. E-bikes already give all the regular benefits of a standard bicycle. Make sure when purchasing the bike you have gone through all of the specifications of the bike. Children can benefit too, it can teach them how to ride a bicycle. E-bikes can also help you get ready to ride a regular standard bicycle. 

There are many types of e-bikes, and each one performs differently. It is up to you to decide which kind of bicycle suits you. It also depends on your cycling experience. For example, many workers in a factory may use e-bikes to deliver their goods to warehouses fats and effectively. An Uber eats driver may use a standard e-bike to complete he/ her orders on time, as it is much faster than a regular bicycle. 


E-bikes on a bike rack

Even though you can put an e-bike on a regular bike rack, you need a rack specially made to meet the bike requirements. You can store the e-bike on a regular bike rack, with some changes made. These changes include the adjustment of the bike rack frame. It is advised you remove components such as a battery or horn when fitting it on the rack, for safety. Bike racks are designed to maintain the bike’s weight by balancing and securing it in place so the bike won’t fall off.


Weight capacity

You can fit an e-bike on a bike rack depending on its weight capacity. Always check for the model number of the bike rack so that its details can be analyzed for the bike to fit. You should keep the bike within the 5 to 10-pound range of your rack’s maximum possible weight. Do not fit your bicycle with unnecessary components attached to the bike as it makes the bike much heavier. 


Shape and size

The size and shape of your e-bike should be analyzed, and you should never exceed the weight capacity of the bike rack. Transportation of the bike is much easier when the battery pack is removed, so always try detaching the battery even if it can fit on the bike rack. Due to vibration in the bike rack, the battery can get damaged. Therefore it is better to be removed and once the battery is removed the bike is much lighter.  



Fitting an e-bike on a regular bike rack is safe, but make sure that the bike is secured properly and the bike rack doesn’t have any faults. Unnecessary components of the bike should be removed when putting it on the rack as mentioned earlier. This includes the battery. There are also gear tapes located in the bike rack which help when transporting the bike. The basic locking system protects the whole system.



Transporting e-bikes can be challenging when compared with a regular standard bike. Transportation on the highway is not recommended, as the speeds of the highway the bike may damage the components held within. Road bumps may cause it to even detach from the bike rack, so always make sure it is secured properly and will not fall off. The bike rack should be held in place while maintaining the balance at the bottom. Your e-bike can even be placed on a car roof, but it is not easy to remove once it is placed. Anyways you decide where you want it and how it should be transported.


Security and protection

An e-bike consists of a hinged spring security lock that provides extra protection features. It gives enough room for a padlock and the bike rack also includes tilting functions which make your bike secure. Some bike racks have security alarms attached to them so that when it gets unauthorized access, the owner will find and track them through the e-bike’s mobile app.


E-bike Analysis

It is entirely up to you to purchase an e-bike. E-bikes are appropriate for people who are unable to ride a standard bike. This is mostly for people who are elderly, overweight, or simply need help riding a bike. E-bikes will not help you lose weight, but they will keep you healthy. Every e-bike owner should keep their e-bike battery in good condition. Every day, check how the battery pack and motor are performing. We can all agree that it is beneficial. It makes pedaling easier and lowers your overall output effort. 

Complete your e-bike charging cycles and make sure that your bike is charged well. If you are thinking of purchasing an e-bike look at its specifications. E-bikes overall are a fun experience. It can help old aged people who are unable to get pedaling assistance through a regular bike. Pedaling assistance through an e-bike gives an overall boost. The electric motor and the battery pack work well with the system to support their weight. An overweight person can also benefit in the same way. E-bikes contribute to clearing traffic. 

If more people use E-bikes than cars they may be able to clear roads, with no pollutants. People can reach their location much faster as mentioned earlier because of their sustainability. E-bikes are also less wasteful when compared with vehicle-based current systems. E-bikes will make our transportation system more stable. Vehicles and people, contribute to global warming and it makes the overall quality of life worse. 


Disadvantages of using e-bikes


E-bikes cost more compared to the average bicycle. It is mostly because of the components making up the bike. Engineered to work effectively together to make your ride better and safe. Designing and making sure the battery and motor work well together, is a complex task. Building the circuits in the battery pack takes a lot of time and energy, and the manufacturer should sure the battery does not explode or get damaged since the output is maintained through the pedals. There are many manufacturing stages, and the whole process takes a long time. 


Short battery life

The battery is the most important part of the e-bike. If correctly managed, an e-bike battery can last between 2 and 6 years. Over time the battery may lose some of its capacity and the bike will underperform. If the performance reduces in the e-bike, it would be difficult to pedal up hills or mountains. The battery life depends on the charge cycles and most batteries have 1000 cycles. Most importantly, the battery may run into problems such as internal damage and overheating. These issues will affect your e-bike cycling experience and it is very important to always purchase an e-bike from a well-reputed company. 


Long charging time

The e-bike capacity determines the charging time. For example, a 500 Watt-hour battery will take about five hours to charge completely while a compact charger will make you wait even longer. Poor charging affects the quality of your battery. Most cities do not have charging points and this is a great difficulty for e-bike riders. E-bike charging points will certainly be available in the future with rising demand. If your city is not having any charging points available, it is best to make sure that your battery is charged well. 



An e-bike is heavier than a standard bike. Components like the battery, motor, and other mechanical parts contribute to the overall weight of the bike. Sometimes it may be difficult for you to handle it if you are not that familiar with mechanical components. E-bikes weigh around 40-50 lbs while an average bicycle weighs around 20-25 lbs. It is best not to add any additional gear onto the bike as it will make it heavier and end up affecting the pedaling output. As soon as your battery runs out your bike will be hard to peddle if it is too heavy. 


Not suitable for weight loss

They are not suitable for people who are trying to lose weight.  E-bikes are mainly for people who cannot ride a bike or want to ride a bike with assistance. E-bikes suit old aged people well if they find it hard to ride a regular bicycle. There isn’t much to pedal since the motor and the battery work together to assist you. E-bikes are not suitable for weight loss as they are doing the opposite of a regular bicycle. Regular bicycles constantly need a lot of effort to keep the bike stable and up to speed, making them ideal for weight loss. However, if you are overweight you are likely to see long-term results. 


Expensive e-bike battery 

E-bike batteries are very costly, as it depends on the brand name and the battery’s performance. Price range from $400 to $2000 and the battery quality depends also on the brand name, so it is best to always buy from a well-reputed company. It is best not to purchase batteries online because there are many scams for e-bike batteries. It is best to avoid shopping for them online. Cheap battery packs will often cause a breakdown and it is also not safe. Some e-bike battery manufacturers include Yamaha and Panasonic. Make sure your battery health is well, a replacement is very costly. 


Costly maintenance/repairs 

This depends on how much you ride your e-bike and how well you are maintaining it. Servicing will cost around $200 every year. An e-bike rider usually spends around $150 on parts and the total will add up to $350, making it the final cost for regular maintenance These maintenance service places are not very common, so e-bike riders should always manage and repair any faults on their own. It is not an easy job taking care of an e-bike and fixing component problems can be a difficult task. Other than the components, if there are any other faults it won’t be much of a cost.  


Low resale value

Most people do not buy e-bikes that are on resale as they are not very trustworthy. E-bike owners always get half the price. The bike should be of a well-known brand if you expect buyers. Most importantly, if you are selling your e-bike it should be in good condition as the components of a secondhand e-bike may underperform. Purchasing a new battery is essential if you’re buying a secondhand e-bike. The e-bikes put on resale also have completed the warranty period, and keep in mind even though e-bikes are popular, most people still prefer the standard bike. 


Damages the environment

To make an e-bike, fossil fuels and coal have been burned, polluting the environment. E-bike batteries cannot fully recycle. Riding an e-bike does not damage the environment but the production process is not very eco-friendly. E-bike companies use a lot of natural resources when manufacturing e-bikes. If e-bikes become more popular in the future there will be certainly an impact on the environment.