How much does it cost to convert the bike to electric?

How much does it cost to convert the bike to electric?

How much does it cost to transform the bicycle into an electric?

   With the craze for electric bikes booming, so does their price. Everyone wants to own an electric bike in place of the traditional bike. Traditional bikes are cheap when compared with electric bikes. Electric bikes are traditional bikes with additional components added to them. And adding a motor and battery with other elements can easily convert your traditional bike into an electric bike.

   The electric bikes’ brake, fork, frame, tires, wheels, saddle, seat, shifters, grips, etc., are the same as the traditional bikes, made with quality materials. These work the same as the traditional bike’s parts, and using a conversion kit, you can easily convert the traditional bike into an electric bike.

   You can purchase the conversion kit from the store. The price varies depending on the motor type, the output voltage, and the purpose. The purpose differs on places you would want to ride; to climb up steep hills, to ride on rough terrain, or want to increase the speed. Whatever you want to convert your bike, you can choose from the conversion kit on the market.

   The conversion price ranges from $300 to $900, depending on the motor in the kit. There are also cheaper kits that will give you a short range. Adding these parts to your traditional bike and a few more tweaks will make your new electric bike ready. Conversion kits are the cheaper way of owning an electric bike.


The cost of the conversion kit 

   Conversion kits are by far cheaper than buying an electric bike. It can perform like a decent electric bike for a fraction of the cost of an electric bike. If you already have a traditional cycle with you but also want an electric bike for a low price, why not convert your ordinary bike into an electric?

   We will see how much it will cost you to have a converted electric bike:

  1. Conversion kit price –

It varies depending on the purpose of conversion and the motor you want. A decent conversion kit can cost you around $300 to $900. There are also cheaper ones that will not be worth the time and money.

  1. Battery –

Batteries of electric bikes are of different weights, sizes, and prices. The cheaper one’s lead acid battery is large and weighs a lot. An expensive one takes up little space and is lightweight. Battery prices vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so choose the one best suited to your purpose and budget.

  1. Pedal assist –

In most electric bike conversion kits, you do not have pedal assist. If you need pedal assistance, you have to purchase it separately. You can also choose to buy only a pedal assist.

  1. Extra –

Fixing the conversion kit can be complicated, and getting help from a technician can cost you around $200. Each conversion kits have a unique way of fixing it and sometimes can be complicated. 

Choosing electric bike conversion kit.

   With the price of a cheap electric bike, you can transform your traditional bike into a decent electric bike. You pay only a fraction of the price of an electric bike to transform your standard pedal into an electric bike pedal. It works just like a new electric bike’s pedal.

   You can use the bike you already own, which is an advantage. You only have to fix the extras, which won’t cost you much. It’s transforming your traditional bike into a more efficient and faster one.

   You have to adapt to get along with the features of your bike when you purchase an electric bike. But when you convert, you modify it to suit your choice. You have the chance to customize your bike to your wish. You can add different electric bike features to your self-made electric bike.

   All electric bike conversion kits consist of an electric motor, motor cut-off levers, a throttle, wiring looms, and an LCD with a remote controller. Choosing the fitting conversion kit for your traditional bike can be challenging. It has to be the right one for your bike. There are some details the manufacturers include in their packings. Check whether these details match your bike before ordering to save your time and money:

  • Brake type and structure
  • Diameter of the wheel
  • Dimension of the rim of the wheel
  • The extent of the front fork
  • Type of gears
  • Type of sprockets
  • The length of the rear frame

   These are the details you have to check on the conversion kits that would suit yours. After checking, consider the following and choose one befitting you;

  • Battery –

The battery is not included in your conversion kit, but you have to purchase your own. The main thing to consider about the battery is its capacity and the voltage. The voltage of an electric bike starts from 12V and increases in its multiple to 72V.

The electric bike’s power and speed depend on the battery’s voltage. The lowest being 12V and 24V batteries usually suit if you want a little support in pedaling and a better speed on flat grounds. Usually, electric bikes are powered by 36V or 48V batteries.

The capacity of the battery is measured in watt-hours or amp-hours. Electric bike batteries usually are of 10Ah, which determines the charge cycle of the battery.

The size and weight of the battery are essential as they will take up space and increase the bike’s weight. You can go for lithium-ion batteries, which are lightweight and smaller in size. It also has a longer charge cycle and lifespan. Though they are expensive. 

  • Motor –

The motor is included in the conversion kit. The front hub motor is the easiest to install, while the rear hub motor can be the second easiest. But mid-drive motors can be hard to fix and rarely fit any bike.

Motors transmit the right amount of power to the pedal and other electronics in the bike from the battery. The amount of power is calculated in watts. Measuring the amount of power or energy a motor can regulate is watts.

Motor determines the acceleration, which degree of a steep path to climb, speed, distance traveling in said time, and power consumption of the bike. Every motor is not of the same quality, and the durability varies. 

Choosing an electric bike’s motor depends on what you look in them. If you want your electric bike to climb steep hills and carry heavy loads or up faster, go for a motor with high wattage. But not only does the motor determines this, but the controller and battery too. 

Some motors with low wattage perform efficiently, as they are of quality. Remember to check the quality of the motor and its output. 


  • Warranty and support 

It is also vital as only quality products would have a warranty. Check the period the warranty is valid. It might ensure you have good service; if any support is needed, you can get them.

Even if the conversion kit has a warranty, you must know whether they are reachable. If they do not answer emails or calls on time, you should know it would be hard to get in touch with them for any support you would if needed.

  • Cost –

Purchasing a conversion kit is not cheap, but cheap when you compare it to the electric bike’s price. A conversion kit can be costly, too and when you require a quality service, expect to spend some money on it.

   Owning an electric bike can be easier, but it also means great care and extra money for repairs and replacements. A conversion kit can be cheaper compared to the electric bike, which saves you the extras and half the cost of the bike. But is it always the better choice? Before knowing it, we will look into the pros and cons of converting your traditional bike into an electric bike:


Pros and cons of converting the traditional bike into an electric bike


  • Cost –

It is an advantage when comparing its price to the price of an electric bike. The quality conversion kit can be a little more costly than the cheaper ones, and you can expect quality service from them. 

  • Speed –

You can have a faster bike by converting your traditional bike to an electric one. It lets you cover a long distance in a short time. If you always wanted a faster commute, you can rely on your new converted electric bike to take you to your workplace in a shorter time. 

  • Pedal assist –

With the pedal assist as the new companion for your bike, you only have to give a little effort on your side. It will help you travel more with the energy saved on pedaling with assistance. 

People with heart diseases, aged people, and who have illnesses in joints can benefit from this conversion kit. 

  • Climbing hills –

With your new converted electric bike, climbing steep paths are not exhausting, though it can tire you. With less effort, you can climb up hills, and the steep paths you walked on your bike can be reached by bike with a little more effort from your side.

A conversion kit can be helpful for people living in hilly areas to climb them with a cheap option.

  • Health benefits –

Cycling has many health benefits in it. Your muscles tighten, stamina increases, and improvements in mental health, flexibility, etc., are a few of them. It is a physical activity that improves your overall health.

By converting your traditional bike into an electric bike, you can have a better performance in the improvement of your health. As you can switch between the pedal assist and pedaling without assistance, it increases your time on your bike by resting occasionally.

With the levels of pedal assist, you can switch between choosing the effort you want to give into pedaling. It may greatly help people starting in physical fitness training.

  • Fun –

They are fun. Going out cycling with friends on summer evenings can be fun. And this conversion increase the fun. You can have a great day with friends without losing all your energy. You can pedal with your friends, and while returning, you can rely on the pedal assistance to help you take back home.

   You can gain these benefits by imitating your traditional bike into an electric bike. Though these can be gained through the electric bike, this is a cheaper way. But is it always working? To know the answer, I will look into the disadvantages of duplicating your traditional bike for an electric bike.


Cons of converting traditional bike into an electric bike

  • Battery –

Though the conversion kit includes a motor and other essentials, it excludes the battery. You purchase the battery apiece. It can add up to the cost. Batteries vary in size, weight, voltage, watts, and price. You have to choose the correct battery to power up your motor. You should consider the correct voltage and watt.

Storing the battery can be conflicting as you should cover it from direct sunlight, or it will damage the battery.

  • Weight –

Motor and batteries can add up to the weight of the bike. Typically, traditional bikes are lesser in weight than the frame of the electric bike. And when pedaling without assistance, it does not add any extra weight on you. But after the conversion, it will add extra pounds to the bike, which will tire you when riding without pedal assistance. 

  • Extra cost –

Conversion kits vary in price depending on the type of motor and the speed, as it does not include a battery; this is an additional cost you must consider. After the purchase, you will want the help of a technician as it can be complicated, as manufacturers’ instructions vary on how to fix it. And you will have to pay the technician around $200, which is an extra expense.

  • Frame –

Traditional bikes are lightweight and can only support the rider’s weight. Adding up the weights of the motor and the battery may negatively affect the bike’s lifespan.

These bikes’ design does not accept the extra weight or propel with extra speed.

The brakes, pedal, and whole frame are fragile when comparing to the electric bike’s strong frame. Though a conversion kit can increase the bike’s overall performance, it will reduce the bike’s lifespan in the long run.

   Electric bikes are designed with a heavy frame and quality products to carry the weight of their battery and motor while giving out the best performance. Traditional bikes are designed to perform less than an electric bike and not carry the extra weights of the battery and the motor. When you convert your traditional bike into an electric, the bike will slowly start to lose its proficiency.

   And in the end, it is all your choice to make.


   Owning an electric bike can be pricey, but converting your old traditional bike into one is a cheap way. It can cost you from $600 to $1800 to convert your traditional bike into an electric one. This process is complicated, and you would want help from an expert.

   Converting a regular bike into an electric one is handy and has many benefits. But they can also have drawbacks as they are not designed to perform as an electric bike.

   After reflecting upon the benefits and the impediments of transforming your traditional bike into an electric bike, you can choose what to do. And choose the one better suits your purpose and the budget.