Author name: Vicky Houston

Hi, I am Vicky! At e-bikeguide, we are passionate about electric bicycles and love sharing our knowledge and research with you. We strive to be the ultimate resource to learn all you can about caring for your lovely electric bike!

What is the difference between an e-bike and a hybrid bike?

What is the difference between an e-bike and a hybrid bike?

You may spend time deciding on what type of bike to choose from e-bikes and hybrid electric bikes. The decision is somewhat difficult if you do not study both kinds of bikes. Both types of bikes deliver similar promises such as zero-carbon emission, eco-friendly, higher value for money, user-friendly, efficient, extremely low maintenance, and convenient […]

What is the difference between an e-bike and a hybrid bike? Read More »

How do I keep my e-bike controller cool?

How do I keep my e-bike controller cool?

 Electric bikes have attained a lot of popularity among the populace, boosting their production and new investors investing in them. This resulted in the advent of low-quality bikes. Low-quality bikes would be cheap and made with fewer quality materials. Using low-quality materials to make electronic bikes may result in the malfunctioning of the bike in

How do I keep my e-bike controller cool? Read More »

How to fix an E-scooter not running at full Throttle

How to fix an E-scooter not running at full Throttle

Why E-scooter? E-scooter is one of the hot topics in the recent past in several major cities of the world. It has become an inevitable mode of transportation due to less impact on the environment compared to other vehicles running with gasoline or fossil fuels. It incurs a lesser cost on maintenance and cheaper serviceable

How to fix an E-scooter not running at full Throttle Read More »